Saturday, August 1, 2009

Fun Socks

I haven't been very good about keeping Seren's status updated. The main reason I haven't posted much is because there isn't much news. Its good that I don't have any news because it means Seren hasn't been sick or had a fever or any other complications. Its not so good that I have little to report because we haven't had any real advancements or milestones. She is growing a bit and generally doing well. Her seizures are much less severe and much less frequent and she definitely seems comfortable. The Governor Morehead School came and evaluated her and she responded to both sound and light so that was very exciting for all of us (we already knew that but it was nice to have it confirmed).
Poppy and Mimi were in town a few weeks ago which means...more pictures! I have attached a recent picture of Baby S sporting her fancy Trumpett socks. G had the boy ones that look like tennis shoes and a good friend gave S the Mary Janes. They are hysterical--I love them!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy to hear that her seizures are much less severe. VERY exciting to confirm her reaction to light and sound!! This little girl is going to continue to surprise everyone, I just know it!! I LOVE THOSE SOCKS!! Caitlyn wore them all the time and I just got the little tennis shoe socks for Brendan. TOO CUTE!! Sending love and prayers! Maureen
