Monday, April 27, 2009

Scheduled Delivery

Today was the day Seren was scheduled to be delivered. I thought I would spend the last two weeks getting her nursery ready, preparing G to be a big brother and trying to rest. Clearly life had other plans! Seren continues to surprise, amaze and confound us. She had a busy weekend-she got to meet some girlfriends AND her big brother (who, for the moment he saw her, really seemed taken with her). She got some more grandparent time and lots of excellent medical care. Her physical prognosis remains uncertain. We have been told to plan for her future in slightly larger blocks of time than what we were told initially. Beyond that information we still are unsure of what to expect.

Although (for today) I won't begin to attempt to properly express how grateful we are for the love and care we have received in the last two weeks I do want to say how comforting it is to know for certain that our entire family is loved and prayed for. Thank you.


  1. Jennifer, Lance and Grayson
    Please know that there is yet another family lifting you up in prayer. We've been so amazed with your approach to this entire event. We will continue to pray for baby Seren. Thank you for your incredible strength and grace that you have displayed.
    Sam and Ashley Donnelly

  2. Hey Jennifer, Lance, and Grayson
    How special that Grayson got to visit with his baby sister and that you all have had some continued special times with her. Our God is an amazing God and He is still in control. I heard a song about our reigning God today and how he knows every "star"! Wow...what perfect timing to hear this and think of Seren.
    love, Terrie

  3. Lance, Jennifer, Seren and Grayson,
    Jack sent me the link to this blog and even though, what 10+ has passed since I have talked with you, Jack has kept me updated on your life. I am so in awe of Seren's dainty beautiful face (I want to see her toes!)and Jennifer is did good, Lance. I know how proud you are of your shows in the pictures. I want you to know that miracles happen every second of every day, I have personally witnessed some of God's most amazing feats myself. I am so humbled at your family's strength. Continue to breathe...deep...and never give up hope.

    Much love,
    Connie and Meredith Robinson

  4. Jennifer & Lance,

    Oh Jennifer, my SLO Baby Girl. I did not even know that you were pregnant again. From reading your comments, it is clear to me that you are a very loving and humble mother. The joy that fills my heart reading those words you write and how well you understand the work of God, gives me strength. Your humbleness through the grace of God has given you the strength to endure whatever comes your way during this time in your life and your daughters. You and your family are in my daily thoughts and prayers. I love you.

    Polly Erwin

  5. Jennifer and family,
    Your parents are in my Sunday School Class and they have been sharing updates on baby Seren. She has certainly become the "Star" in our eyes. Please know that many, many people are praying for your entire family, the doctors who make decisions, the nurses administering care to her, and for your amazing grace and strength under this insurmountable pressure and days of uncertainty. She is so beautiful. We are all here for you, and your parents. Our prayer is for God's will, and for courage and strength, rest and nourishment, and peace in your hearts that only He can provide. In His name, Sue & Roger

  6. It's so nice to hear that Seren is surrounded by her family and got to meet her big brother. I know she feels the love and strength from all of you. Your whole family, especially Seren, are in my prayers every day. I think about you and talk about you all of the time. God is watching over Seren and your family. Sending you love, positive energy and prayers.

  7. Jennifer,
    I just want you to know of Nathanael's and my prayers for your entire family. Terrie told us about little Seren this past Sunday, and you have been on my mind so much since then. I am praying for you to know of God's strength, peace, comfort, and hope. Thank you for the updates you have posted, and for your example of love, strength, and care for your precious baby girl and family.
    Love, Katie Gay

  8. Jennifer and family,

    You continue to be in my family's prayers. You have shown so much faith and been a testimony to me and others. How special it must have been for her big brother to see her. God bless you all. Love and prayers to your parents from the Shelor family.

    Barbara Shelor
